Abdolahpour, Elham
A Review of Scientific Productions in Graphic Design in the Web of Science Citation Database [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 164-179]
Abjadian, Fateme
A Review of Scientific Productions in Graphic Design in the Web of Science Citation Database [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 164-179]
Alghabra, Mona
A Symbolic Reading of Geometric Arabesques in Damask Brocade Fabric
Based on Erwin Panofsky’s Theory [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 69-84]
Azizi YusofKand, Aliraz
A Hypertextual Interpretation of the Sun Motif in Seljuk Art
(Case Study: A Clay Canteen of Seljuk and Parthian) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 132-146]
Barati, Mohammad Hossein
An Intersemiotic Analysis of the Verbal Text of “Majnun in Ka'bah” from Nizami's Khamsa with Two Visual Texts from the Herat School with an Emphasis on the Role of the Illustrator in the Creation of the Artwork [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 117-131]
Dastyari, Elnaz
An Introduction to the Representation of Emotions in Persian Paintings [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 55-68]
Dianat, Fereshteh
The Semiotics of the Real Object and the Role of Its Representation in Making Artworks [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 4-16]
Ghazizadeh, Khashayar
An Intersemiotic Analysis of the Verbal Text of “Majnun in Ka'bah” from Nizami's Khamsa with Two Visual Texts from the Herat School with an Emphasis on the Role of the Illustrator in the Creation of the Artwork [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 117-131]
Haseli, Parviz
An Intersemiotic Analysis of the Verbal Text of “Majnun in Ka'bah” from Nizami's Khamsa with Two Visual Texts from the Herat School with an Emphasis on the Role of the Illustrator in the Creation of the Artwork [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 117-131]
Jafari Dehkordi, Mostafa
The Function of Art in Urban Space: Investigating the Experience of Athens’ Graffiti Art in the Midst of Greece Economic Collapse [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 85-99]
Khazaei, Mohammad
A Hypertextual Interpretation of the Sun Motif in Seljuk Art
(Case Study: A Clay Canteen of Seljuk and Parthian) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 132-146]
Kolahkaj, Mansour
An Evaluation of the Components of Jakobson's Communication Theory That Are Reflected in Today's Iranian Cultural Posters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 41-54]
Marasy, Mohsen
An Analysis of the Effective Factors in Inducing Iranian-Islamic Identity in the Logos of Domestic Messengers [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 147-163]
NamvarMotlagh, Bahman
A Hypertextual Interpretation of the Sun Motif in Seljuk Art
(Case Study: A Clay Canteen of Seljuk and Parthian) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 132-146]
Pakzad, Zahra
A Feasibility Study of Acquiring General Visual Literacy through Semiotic Approach [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 28-40]
Panjeh Bashi, Elaheh
Recognizing the Representation of Women’s motif in the Qalamdan of Kazem
Son of Najaf Ali, A Qajar Artist, Sold at the Chiswick Auction [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 17-27]
Rahbania, Zahra
A Symbolic Reading of Geometric Arabesques in Damask Brocade Fabric
Based on Erwin Panofsky’s Theory [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 69-84]
Ramezanmahi, Somayeh
The Applications of the Graphics in Wes Anderson's Film Subtitles [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 100-116]
Rasoulipour, Somayeh
An Analysis of the Effective Factors in Inducing Iranian-Islamic Identity in the Logos of Domestic Messengers [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 147-163]
Rozehkan Akhouni, Habibeh
A Feasibility Study of Acquiring General Visual Literacy through Semiotic Approach [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 28-40]
Shamili, Farnoush
A Hypertextual Interpretation of the Sun Motif in Seljuk Art
(Case Study: A Clay Canteen of Seljuk and Parthian) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 132-146]
Tahan, Fahimeh
An Evaluation of the Components of Jakobson's Communication Theory That Are Reflected in Today's Iranian Cultural Posters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 41-54]
Takian, Fatemeh
The Applications of the Graphics in Wes Anderson's Film Subtitles [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 100-116]
Zargham, Adham
An Introduction to the Representation of Emotions in Persian Paintings [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2024, Pages 55-68]
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