Guide for Authors

Instruction to Authors

Journal of Graphic Arts and Painting Research accepts research papers related to visual arts in the fields of Graphics, Painting and interdisciplinary based on the following principals:

-          Journal is ready to accept electronic manuscript of papers through Journal's website:

-          Articles should be results of author(s) research works.

-          According to the new regulations of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology dated 2019/04/22, a scientific article is an accurate report of original research activities, technology or scientific promotion or generalization done by one or more researchers. The article should have two characteristics of originality and innovation and should be presented with the aim of advancing the frontiers of science and technology, publishing research and technology findings or improving the level of knowledge of users. Therefore, the authors are obliged to prepare their scientific article according to the indicators provided in the regulations.

-          According to paragraph 2-5 of the regulations of scientific journals, the types of scientific articles are: research, review, short, case study, methodology, applied, point of view, conceptual, technical and extension. Authors can submit various scientific articles to the Journal of Graphic Arts and Painting Research Alzahra Scientific Biquarterly Journal.

-          Articles submitted to this Journal should not have been previously published or under publication in another Journal.

-          Articles should be prepared in the Persian language and follow the writing principles of this language; authors must correct typing errors and misspellings before submitting articles to the Journal.

-          The author(s) are responsible for the content of their articles.

-          The Journal's editorial board has the right to reject or revise articles.

-          The articles will be accepted for publication after the referee’s confirmation as well as the Editorial Boards approval.

-          References used in the article must be, maximum, as old as 5 years and authors must seriously avoid using very old recourses in case there are new recourses.

-          Articles should be approximately about 6000 words and 12 pages, including all sections of the article.

-          Articles must be submitted to Journal's website in A4 size, WORD format.

-          The  publication of  articles of the Journal of Graphic Arts and Painting Research is prohibited in other publications without referencing.








Authors' guide:

Authors must submit their articles as Article's original version according to the below mentioned guide and submit them through Journal's website

- Article's main body is made of the following titles and titles related to this subject must be presented as subtitles.   

1- Persian Abstract: The Persian Abstract should contain about 200 – 250 words (includingTitle, definition of problem, aim, method of research, subject of research, most important findings and conclusions).

2- Keywords: The article should contain 4-6 keywords.

3- Introduction: Including the introduction of subjects, aims of research and development of the article.

4- Research History

5- Research Method

6- Body: Containing theoretical fundamentals, studies and experiment, findings and conclusions.

In In the acknowledgement section, the guidance and help of others are reminded and thanked briefly.

7- Author(s) Notes: Author(s) notes should English equivalents as well as necessary explanations about particular expressions and points and points indicated throughout the article and must be numbered respectively at the end of the article and before references.

8- References

8-1 How to reference domestic and foreign resources in list of resources:

-          Persian and Latin references should be numbered alphabetically based on the author(s) family names and in the order they are cited in the text.

-          Domestic and foreign resources used in the text of article must be presented in Recourses based on APA principals:

Books (Authored) author(s) surname, author(s) first name; year of publication in brackets; complete name of the book in Bold and Italic; publication location: publication.


Book (Translated) author(s) family name, author(s) first name; year of publication for the original book in brackets; complete name of the book in Bold and Italic, translator(s) name and surname, year of translation, publication location: publication.


Article author(s) family name, author(s) first name; year of publication in brackets; Journal's name in Bold and Italic, volume number; issue number (year); page number. Number of pages of that article from low to high.


Dissertation:author(s) family name, author(s) first name; year in brackets, Dissertation title in Bold and Italic, name of the University.

Internet Databases:

-          In resources: in case author(s) name and surname exist, first write Author(s) full name and then URL address, review date based on day, month and year.

-          Inside the article:in case author(s) name and surname exist, first write Author(s) full name; and year of publication.

In case author(s) name and surname do not exist, write database's name and the date which text was written on website.


-          How to reference domestic and foreign resources in text of the article: in text as fallow (Authors surname, year of publication: page number)


-          Figures, Pictures, Tables and schemes: figures, tables and schemes should be provided in the least essential numbers with proper quality of 300 DPI with TIF or JPG format, mentioning used resource, year and page number.


9- English Abstract: about 250 – 300 words (including definition of problem, aim, method of research, subject of research, most important findings and conclusions). English translation of Persian abstract is placed in this section.

10- English Keywords: including 4 to 6 words.

It should be noted that after accepting the article, all authors are required to translate Persian references into English and prepare an extensive English abstract (1300 to 1500 words) according to the guide sent by the journal.