Angel and devil`s plan Religious Buildings In Mazandaran And Wall Paintings of Qajars Era

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Prof. of Visual Communication Group, Golestan University, Gorgan , Iran. (Corresponding Author).


Folklore painting has generally become popular within post-Islamic art. The design plan of these pieces of art complies with religious beliefs, traditional rituals and national epics. A remarkable number of such folklore paintings have formed during Qajars ruling eras that have roots in elements and signs belonging to ancient Iran. The predominant tendency of folklore artists among current subjects of the time was related to epic, mythical and religious stories with the approach of Good and Evil that are depicted via visual symbols of Angel and Demon. Nowadays, such forms are visible in religious and ritual buildings, wall paintings and Iranian Coffee House Paintings (mural frescoes based on religious traditions and national epics); good samples of which could be seen in the ritual buildings of Mazandaran province. The present research was accomplished in descriptive-analytical method. The objective was responding the question of the quality and type of design, fine line work with the black ink, exploring compositions and visual elements in the images of Angel and Demon, the quality of expressing them and their content structure in folklore paintings and a few ritual buildings in Mazandaran, such as Soqanafars of Kija Takieh and Shiadeh in Babol. Above mentioned question is also the main problem of this research. The results indicate that fine lines of Angels and Demon patterns enjoy a substantial expression and content, meanwhile having simplicity and smoothness. The focal attention of folklore art relies both on partial and total composition and solidarity of lines in small scales (roofs of ritual buildings), besides being loyal to principles and structure of art-works. In these traces, the methods of professional artists and some images in lithographic books are adopted- no pure copy or emulation.


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