Symbolism of birds in Islamic culture (Bird's book in the name of God)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Prof. of Graphic Design, Art Faculty, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

2 M.A. of Graphic design, Art Faculty, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.




ecause one of the most noble visual arts in the Islamic world is calligraphy, the writing of your Quranic verses is one of the favorite topics of calligraphers, among which the book “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” has a high status. This holy phrase spreads throughout the life of Muslims and is present throughout their lives, thus, during different periods of history, it has been shown differently in the art of Islamic calligraphy. One of these cases is writing this sacred phrase, shaping letters and words in the form of different birds that have become famous for the chicken Basmell. It is in the form of various birds that have been known as Basmell Chicken. This research has been done by analyzing and interpreting the symbols and checking available designs. It seems that the root of the symbolic use of birds in the name of God is in the verses and traditions of Islam, and there is a close relationship between its face and its meaning from Islamic and mystical culture.


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