Author’s Representation in Works and Fables with Roland Barth’s Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Prof. of Painting, Art Faculty, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Prof. of Painting, Art Faculty, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof. of Painting, Visual Arts Faculty, Art University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran.


 in contemporary times, audience, meaning and artwork are not the same value, and the value of the audience is more and more important because it has new meanings in dealing with the effect. In the contemporary era, the author has been marginalized. The contemporary world artist uses modern communication media to influence the audience more effectively. The theme of the body in contemporary times has been of interest to artists, and as a work of art, it is one of the most important innovations. Also, the meanings and position of the body have changed in art. The pre-study study of the Iraqi plan looks like a contemporary Iraqi artist, Wafa Bilal, who has immigrated to the United States. In his authoritative work, the text and the artist are the same, and meaning is transmitted through the written signs to the audience. Wafa uses digital art and computer art and chooses his body as the main tool for creating the work. The art of acting on the body of the artist is promoting a new discourse based on the values ​​of today’s world. In this research, after examining Barthes’s ideas about the author, the effect of the plan of Iraqi Bilal was discussed, in which various cities were referred to as the body of the artist. This research focuses on the study of the body of the text by Bilal. According to the results, the art of the ear has various semantic layers. Also, the text is used as a sign of protest on his body, and the author and artist are one of his works. His post is related to one another, as an objection to the artist’s body, and is considered a part of the artist.




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