The Effect of Teaching Painting on the Perceptual Organization of Individuals

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant prof. of Islamic Art, Faculty of Islamic Arts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Prof. of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


p < /span>erception is the process by which the sensation, that is, the information taken from the sensory organs, becomes organized and meaningful in the whole. The significance of perception is that the world around us provides a regular basis for knowledge. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of art of painting education on the perceptional organization of individuals. Our assumption is that the artist’s perception is improved by doing some of the themes that will be mentioned in the text. To prove this hypothesis, this study attempts to be conducted in an experimental laboratory environment whose results will actually be the answer to the main question of this research. What is the impact of painting education on the perceptual organization of individuals? This test is a test, copy and re-examination of the complex Andrei Ray’s geometric shapes. Sixty subjects including thirty students of painting and thirty non-artistic subjects participated in this research.
The research method is causal-comparative after-event. Statistical analysis has been used to analyze the research data. Comparison of meaningful scores shows the perceptual organization’s criteria. Based on these results, the different criteria of the perceptual organization of the people, including the quality and richness of the drawing, the drawing style, as well as the length of the drawing in the non-artistic group, show less scores than the artistic group.


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