Relationship between Economic Capital and Institutionalized Cultural Capital with the Aesthetic Taste of the Graphics Audiences Relationship between Economic Capital and Institutionalized Cultural Capital with the Aesthetic Taste of the Graphics Audiences Case study: book cover design from the perspective of the audience in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at the Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. student of Art Studies, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the most important communicational media belongs to book cover that has been published more than any other visual communicational products, and affects directly the audience’s visual taste as an artistic and applied work. But plenty of books published during recent years have made books with non-qualitative aesthetics criteria due to generalization of publishing market. Because the art audiences as its receivers and consumers play a key role in the formation and reception of art works, so it is essential to know quality of taste and aesthetics criteria of audiences. The theoretical foundation of this study in the field of evaluation of the levels of audiences’ taste is based on the theory of “cultural capital” stated by Pierre Beurdieu. He believes that aesthetics choice of audience depends on each person’s cultural capital acquired through the social field in which he located. Beurdieu speaks of two types of audiences and thus two different types of aesthetics; the “pure aesthetics” and “vulgar aesthetics”. Standards of these definitions rest on the recipient-based research in this study.
Authors have benefited from a descriptive-analytical and field study method by use of library documents in this research. The present study tends to evaluate the level of visual taste of audience based on Bourdieu’s cultural capital (education, income and…) to recognize them and study their expectations from cover design as medium. The results illustrate that most of audiences, regardless to their education and income, give priority to book cover designs with criteria presented in the “pure aesthetics”. This means the artistic ability of audience has been developed due to the influence and expansion of media. If you design a book cover including the aesthetics criteria related to the content of the book, the reader will select it despite substantial differences in its usage of cultural capital.


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