A Semiotic Study of Pictorial Art on Posters of the Last Decade, with an Emphasis on

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. of Graphic design, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant prof. of Graphic design, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the most precious and oldest legacy of the past, and their art is traditional painting and art, images that are rooted in the heart of culture. Symbolism as one of the tools of visual expression has been seen in many Iranian paintings and has brought together the concepts of form and meaning. By studying and analyzing elements related to painting and Iranian motifs used in posters with different subject and audience, we can examine the effect of images on the transmission of the message and its impact on the audience. This pictorial epistemology on posters of the last decade emphasizes the Iranian art of painting. The main focus of this research is to study the relationship between the topic of posters of the last decade of Iran and the use of symbolic elements and Iranian imaging paintings. In this research, the posters designed during this time period are discussed and analyzed according to the semiotic concepts of motifs and images related to Iranian painting. Descriptive-analytical research method and library information gathering method you and the field results indicate that the relationship between the role of Iranian mosaics and the elements of painting with the use of symbolic signs and it is argued that the relationship between the role of Iranian mosaics and the elements of painting in this poster using the elements of the figurative elements.


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