Studying the Role of Mirzababa in the Qajar Period as a Painter

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


The art of the Qajar period is one of the most important and brilliant arts of this period in Iran. Mirzababa played an influential role in promoting the art of this period. He was a painter at the Qajar court in Fath Ali Shah, who began his service from the time of Agha Mohammad Khan and presented a different form of art. Oil painting and iconography were formed during this period. In addition to creating sculptural and human-made laws on the Qajar court and training great artists such as Mehr Ali, Mirzababa also undertook other important activities including watercolor, illumination, poetry, broken calligraphy and Nastaliq. The main issue in this research is the study of Mirza Baba's role as the first Qajar court artist and court painter in different fields. In what areas did this artist work? The purpose of the present study is to study Mirzababa's works and the influence of Western art on the quality of his works. This article deals with two categories: 1. Mirzababa's influence on the Qajar era from Western art and 2. His pivotal role in Qajar art. The present study is a qualitative and historical-analytical one. The information is also collected as documents. The results show that as the first and foremost artist of Qajar court, Mirzababa was very influential in the art and formation of the artistic laws of this court. He was familiar with all the arts and built the infrastructure of all the Qajar arts. In addition, some of the arts were influenced by the West and in some cases had shortcomings.
Looking at the art history of the Qajar period and the impact of Western art on the arts of this era, we are witnessing developments. Under these circumstances, Mirzababa, the chief artist of the Qajar court, worked in all fields for his ability. The present study seeks to investigate his role in various arts and how Western art influenced his work. He was the first painter of the Qajar court to play an important role in transmitting the standards of Zandieh's art to the Qajar era and establishing the Qajar court art. Mirzababa wrote various laws for the Qajar arts that were in force until the end of the Nasserian Era. The most important art of Mirzababa can be seen as the courtly sculpture that drew the most image from Fath Ali Shah, so the painting and visual rules he followed were endorsed by the Shah. That's why other artists imitated him.
Mirzababa was active in other arts and was the most important artist of the Qajar era. In this study, the artist's biography, iconography, his role in this school and his book-making, lacquered volumes and iconography, the design of dishes and jewelry, the inanimate nature and the design of the royal throne are examined.


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