The Role of Food Packaging Graphics in Supply and Demand Growth; Case Study: (Daily and Kalleh Products)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master Student of Visual Communication, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding Author.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


History has shown that in the beginning of human civilization, people did not need to pack food, but people went from place to place for food until they came to their permanent shelter. In such circumstances, they had to collect food from different places and bring it to their place of residence. This necessitated the use of the first samples of packaging such as dried pumpkins, mussels, leaves, animal skins and other natural materials. Animal skin was used to transport water, milk, yogurt, oil or buttermilk. Animal horns were used for transportation and storage of food and crops (currently bamboo is still used in the tropics for food storage). The industrial revolution made the world face the eruption of various industrial commodities. The diversification of goods and the intense competition between producers and traders over the arts also brought them into the collection of food packaging (dairy) as well as other sciences. With the advancement of the field, additional sciences such as individual, social and ergonomic psychology were added to the collection. The expansion of food packaging has made the industry independent from other industries, and competition from manufacturers and consumer needs has made the packaging industry a significant part of the production companies' budgets. The packaging industry has also become a powerful technology today. One of the types of packaging used in the food packaging industry today is the packaging of dairy products.
Nowadays graphics in packaging are one of the main and influential factors in creating a customer's desire to buy a product that can affect product differentiation. Therefore, consumer perception of the nature of products through packaging communication elements influences their choice. Food packaging is a key factor in selling more and delivering attractive products to consumers. There is a two-way relationship between the packaging of a product and its conformity with the psychological aspects and characteristics of buyers that influence its marketing and sales. Studying graphics in food packaging can, on the one hand, show the importance of this type of art and, on the other hand, serve as a driving force for companies and marketers to increasingly compete to meet consumer demands and sell more of a particular product. This research aims to explore the potential of images in messaging and the visual appeal of food packaging, by answering the question: What effect does food packaging graphics have on their shoppers' desires? The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of packaging according to the variety of designs and graphic elements mentioned in the packaging of dairy and beverage products such as Daily and Kalleh, because these products have a very competitive market. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data were collected through a library and field study and randomly distributed among 300 students, senior students of Shahid Rajaee University. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of color quality, shape, and form of packaging on customers' expectations and willingness to buy the product and then to understand the customer's expectations in order to properly design the packaging and create the right place in the customer's mind. Accordingly, in this study we first describe the concept of packaging, graphics, characteristics and its constituents, the criteria for the success of food packaging, and finally analyze the samples of Daily and Kalleh products. Research findings showed that Daily was more important among consumers due to the comparison of the packaging graphics of the two products. Although their differences were observed, overall color and product information were identified as the most important packaging features for consumers' interest in and desire to consider in food design and packaging.


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