Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Art Research Department, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).


Global events in recent years have drastically changed the art world and brought art to a new era. A completely different era in terms of perspective, content and vision. These new conditions have been proposed as the postmodern era, which by challenging the established concepts of high art and changing the meaning of art and of course aesthetics derived from Kant, created a new era that is free from a dominant intellectual system and absolute definition, and with this , all the definitions of various schools and artistic styles took a new form.
One of the branches of new era's art is interactive art, where the initial idea is proposed by the artist and then proceeds through the presence and participation of the audience. Interactive art directly engages the audience, and without his cooperation and participation, no interaction will be formed to display the artist's idea. In most cases, the display of ideas is possible with the help of technology.
History is a general and specific event that has taken shape in the context of time. With the idea that history is always rooted in the past, so in every new event, one can see traces and signs of history. What contains many questions and definitions in the present age is what art is. New history and new society offer new definitions of art, and one of the philosophers who has researched in this regard is Arthur Coleman Danto.
This article examines the presence of past history and experiences formed in the past of new works of art and searches for their works and signs in various types of new arts. It also tries to answer the following questions: How does the history of art before modern art influence the formation of a newer artistic understanding? From Danto's point of view, what art looks like after the death of art, because it seems that without having a mental embodiment of the applied experiences, a new form of the phenomenon would not be comprehensible.
In the new world, with the advent of new tools and media and the advancement of technology and effective internet communication, the emergence of new styles of creating works of art is observed in various forms such as digital art, light art, art tools and exploratory machines, etc. are running. But what makes a work of art creative is the effective communication with the audience of the work as it can be found interactive art. Therefore, in order to better communicate with the audience, it is necessary that the new artist knows the means of communication well and finds effective solutions to engage the audience with the work of art.
According to Danto's theory, a work of art is not separate from its artistic past, and the previous history of art production must be considered in the creation of new art with new media. Danto's theory can contribute to the effective communication of the artist with the audience, while answering the question that what necessitates us to study the historical theories of art to reach new art?
The purpose of this article is analyzing the theories of Danto (art world) about modern art, which is in a special position from an aesthetic point of view and has changed the old definitions of art.
In this article, the following hypotheses is proposed: 1) the audience is aware of the historical background of a phenomenon or process of creating a work of art, in relation to the new work of art with the new audience, has a constructive role and the audience will be able to better communicate with the new work. 2) Arthur Danto's theory of the art world can mean the audience's encounter with the new art of the present.
The method selected for studying this research is collection of resources by library method and based on descriptive-analytical. The method of information analysis is qualitative, which is done by reviewing and studying the available sources, articles and visual samples. The collected information is reviewed on two selected works of interactive art.
 In his theory, Arthur Danto speaks of the existence of a context of history that is felt in the formation of postmodern art. Regarding the existence of a work of art, Danto enumerates titles such as subject, style, metaphorical expression, interpretation, and the existence of a historical context for the said interpretations that define the work of art. In the studied interactive work, the remarkable presence of technology and its fusion with the nature experienced by the artist of the work shows a form of audience participation with the artist's idea, while the visual similarities of the work with the previous art can be seen.
In this article, an attempt has been done to study the subject of the history and the important role of the historical-artistic past for the formation of new arts such as interactive art, because with the help of time experiences, the audience can effectively communicate with the new work of art or improve the understanding of the concepts and signs of the new art. With the death of the art, all the basic definitions of art were abandoned and a new aesthetic of art was introduced. In this age, anyone can be an artist and anything can be a work of art which just needs to be introduced to the audience.
In the studied interactive work, the remarkable presence of technology and its fusion with the nature experienced by the artist of the work shows a form of audience participation with the artist's idea, while the visual similarities of the work with the previous art can be seen. According to Danto, in order to identify a work of art, it is necessary to apply a special theory of art in order to separate the work of art from other non-artistic objects, as well as to examine the specific artistic contexts of the works in order to communicate more effectively with the audience.
We now live in a world where art can exist in any aspect of technology and the world of ideas. Only through creative artistic ideas can the label of art be applied to any of the creative actions. We are not dealing with anti-art at the moment. It seems that due to the vastness of the new art world, the role of historical experience in other branches of modern art can be examined in the future.


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URL4: https://www.teamlab.art/w/vortices/ 12:07 Saturday A: M.