A Study of the Relationship between Recycled art and Typography in Environmental Protection

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran,Corresponding Author.

2 MA. Student, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD., Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


The environment has been endangered and subjected to destruction in the modern life for various reasons, including the creation of industrial factories and its consequent air pollution, the increased amount of plastic and destructive waste, the felling of trees, the pollution of wetlands with chemical waste from factories and many events that have incredibly resulted from urban civilization. Obviously, destruction of the environment results in the destruction of all living things on Earth, including human beings. For this reason, there is an urgent need to raise people’s awareness about environmental protection through various methods and ideas along with the modern society development. In this regard, recycled art has presented its projects throughout the world from the beginning with the aim of environmental protection with a variety of disposable materials. Considering the importance of environmental goals and based on the responsibility they felt to protect the environment, contemporary artists presented works to the society that were gradually introduced to the world as recycled art. This art, which creates its works from waste and disposable materials, has pursues such a goal, and it is related to both environmental protection and the category of art and works of art. As an art mainly concerned about environmental protection, it has introduced itself to the society during and before the contemporary era. Recycled art is a reminder to humans, especially the producers of industries that disposed materials can be returned to the cycle of nature, and it is emphasized that recycling art in typography works remind the unfavourable environmental condition and prevent some overconsumption in the daily life of humans. This requires human’s knowledge about environmental protection more than ever before. The long history of recycling art indicates the importance of protecting the environment at different stages of human life throughout history, and raising public’s awareness of the history of recycling art can help them to understand these works and their environmental goals, better; and more importantly shows the originality of this art and its environmental goals. In this regard, artists and even humans who subconsciously spent their daily lives passing on the use of recyclable and disposable materials to future generations have a share in this great mission. Therefore, recycling art plays an influential role in society and the contribution of this art to the design and implementation of typographic works with the aim of protecting the environment is the focus of this study. This study provides a comprehensive definition of recycling art and describes the background of this art in ancient societies and times as well as the use of it during different years in different styles and its combination with artistic techniques, with a focus on the goal of environmental protection. This study defines typography as one of the graphic design-related arts used in various works of art and graphic design, both for advertising purpose and as a purely artistic painting in front of the audience. It also mentions the background of typography and describes its role in cultural and artistic projects in experiences with these works in various sections of graphic design, including posters, book covers, environmental graphic design, billboards, etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between recycling art and typography as an independent work in line with environmental goals. The question it seeks to answer is: "What is the relation between recycling art and typography in environmental protection?" It used a descriptive-analytical research method and collected its required data through literature review and the Internet.
Based on to the purpose of the research, it examines a number of typographic works of recycled and disposable materials in the world which, in addition to a high advertising effect on the audience, remind the audience of an environmental message any way. The results of the research indicate that works can be created by combining the recycling art and typography, from disposable materials with a thought-out composition in accordance with the visual principles of graphics to advance the advertising goals. This study examines the implementation of disposable materials in typographic works in order to emphasize the objectives of the research to preserve the environment and to reduce the production of destructive waste and return it to the life cycle. It is hoped that seeing these works and understanding their resemblance to waste and the reuse of disposable materials in a new way by the audience will change the lifestyle of human beings in order to protect the environment more. To use waste in typographic works, we should focus on choosing the material type of the disposable materials as much as we focus on the design of letters. In graphic design, disposable materials are used in typographic works taking into account readability, which is an important principle in relation to the audience, the arrangement of letters and the type of material used, as well as the effort made to maintain the readability of words and have the same type of disposable material to avoid disorder and coordinate with the client’s advertising product. An identical material can contribute to readability, as one of the major goals of the typographic work in front of the audience. However, different disposable materials can sometimes be used together depending on the subject and type of advertising product. It depends entirely on the graphic designer’s thought as to the selection of the type of material to create a work with an appropriate and harmonious composition in accordance with the goals of the client and to attract the audience. To examine the recycling typography works, we need to consider the role of letter grading. The arrangement of letters according to a regular grading makes it easier to use different materials and provide a better result from the composition of letters. Typographic works made of disposable materials can also be attractive to the audience as they convey the intended purpose of the client to the audience. Investigations into typographic works involve examining disposable and recyclable materials such as fabrics, cardboard, disposable glasses and various types of plastic materials (bottles, plastic bags, plastic bubble wrap, etc.) in the creation of typographic design works. For example, plastic bottles are reused in the design and implementation of decoration, environmental graphic design, painting and sculpture with the goal of environmental protection. This study also deals with the use of these disposable materials in typographic works. Collecting and sorting waste lead to the creation of letters with different disposable materials in static or horizontal shapes, depending on the state or subject of each typographic work. Paying attention to specific colour variations or colour combinations in this type of recycling typography works is also important. Typography with waste and disposable materials as recycling art includes not only fabrics, plastics, etc., but also wasted materials in nature, such as leaves. Leaves in a new composition can create different typographic works. Disposable materials are also used in typographic works with large dimensions in an environmental layout in environmental graphics, an example of which is examined in this study. In general, as shown by the  studied works of art, waste and recycled materials can be used in combination with letters and words in a typographic way in each part of graphic design works such as the design of magazine or book cover, posters and environmental graphic design. It is also possible to think of waste even in making animated graphics and design and present it to the audience using different visual techniques and methods. Recycled materials in typographic works are waste materials that we see during the day without taking notice of them. Reusing them in typographic works is a new and different perspective that will contribute a lot to building the culture of environmental protection in the community. In general, these works, while attractive, encourage people to reuse disposable materials and provide the cultural ground for environmental protection, thereby raise people’s level of environmental knowledge and creating an interest and sense of responsibility to preserve their environment and greater participation in environmental protection.


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