Studying the Symbolic Position of Tulip in Ottoman fabrics with Sociological Historical Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd student of Comparative and Analytical history of Islamic Arts, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Textile and Fashion design , Art Faculty, Alzahra university,

3 Department of textile and fashion design, Art Faculty,, Alzahra university, Tehran, IRAN



During different historical periods some elements, such as plants and animals, because of their usefulness and abundance turned to symbols or sings in different cultures, introducing believes and customs. In Ottoman arts, tulip had found especial place. Besides of its beauty and reputation, the design rooted in ancient beliefs of Ottoman’s. The goal of this research work was studying the position of tulip motif in Ottoman’s textiles based on sociological historical approach. The research was done according to the descriptive and analytical-historical method. Data was collected from library resources, historical texts and pictures. In this research work the tulip motifs in Ottoman fabrics and the methods of using as a botanical element in decoration was studied. Results showed that the tulip motifs in Ottoman textiles was inspired from the nature, but the fluency and variety of designs together with its artistic taste caused tulips turned as a favorite flower for Ottoman emperors. The concern of the court, activities of wars’ captives in textile workshops, competition with safavid rulers, religious restrictions of using animals and human’s pictures in decoration and also the publicity of elegance fabrics as a symbol of power in court, were important reasons of using tulip motifs in Ottoman textiles.


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