Feasibility of Video Art Technology in Narrating the Battle Story of Sohrab and GordAfarid

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA. Student, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Arts, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 , Associate Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Arts, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding Author.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran,


In this research, the battle story of Sohrab and GordAfrid has been investigated based on Walter Fisher's narrative theory and the feasibility of using video art. According to Fisher's narrative theory, rationality in all its forms is necessarily based on narrative. Due to the fact that narrative structures became a constant element in media works such as video art, in this process, retelling the untold stories of Iran, including the stories of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, using the media of video art, has become more and more essential. The way of telling stories through video art can lead to effectiveness and familiarization of different age groups of society. In other words, narration is anything that tells or presents a story through text, image, performance or a combination of these. Hence, novels, plays, films, illustrated stories and even video arts are considered narratives. In addition, based on this almost unlimited variety of forms, narration is present in every era, place and society. Walter Fisher considered narrative as the basis of communication and looked at all communication as a narrative, so he presented the model of "human as a storyteller". Based on this theory, the author has tried to address the importance of the artist as a narrator. By using this theory and utilizing the developing technology of video, Iranian artists as contemporary narrators can tell their desired stories. With its storytelling feature, video art combines the logic of the story and narrative with the power of the artist's imagination, it invites the audience to watch a unique form of storytelling which combines ancient stories through a modern medium. According to the fact that most of the ancient Iranian stories have either remained untouched or have been subjected to shallow readings, the artist can use the features of this medium by addressing the ancient instructive stories and more importantly revive the concepts and texts of rich Persian literary and Iranian culture. One of the unique features of this presentation is establishing a relationship between domestic and foreign audiences in the unlimited space of social media, which is a big step in this process, for example, by narrating the stories of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, including the narration of the aforementioned story, artists will represent their apprehensions for a large number of audiences all around the world which also helps with the idea of reviving Iranian ancient stories. Based on what has been stated the above, the questions that arise in this article are: Can technology or more specifically video art be a suitable tool for narration in the present era, or in other words, will technology be an efficient answer for traditionalists who are against the correlation of new art with classic art? And how to narrate ancient stories through new media? With this purpose, this research is of descriptive-analytical type, and the results indicate that in the dynamic culture of the present age, by using new media, ancient written stories such as Shahnameh can be thoroughly presented to the audience. On the one hand, it can be seen that the interactive functions in retelling these traditions have not progressed, and on the other hand, it can be seen that the classical arts will not be able to bear the heavy burden of the changes and transformations of current society and the forgetting of the ancient national traditions, so it is necessary to examine the feasibility of technology to create new classic artworks and for more efficiency, for the purpose of this article, it is possible to retell the battle story of Sohrab and GordAfarid through video art which is a form of narrative. In any case, the phenomenon of technology has affected our society and daily life which will have a lot of consequences. Certainly, it is not possible to stay away from technology in today's world, but using it can even be advantageous in cultural dissemination. Knowing the media of video art and the feasibility of using technology in order to narrate the mentioned story and examining the characteristics of the narration has helped the narrator or the artist to be able to use their creativity and their own point of view to create an original work with an ancient theme.


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