"Appropriation" in Glenn Brown's Portraits

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding Author.

2 MA., Department of Painting, Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


Postmodern art is characterized by several distinctive features, one of which is appropriation. This concept is closely intertwined with intersexuality, establishment of intertextual relationships, negation of authenticity, and decentering of meanings. Numerous artists, among them Glenn Brown, find inspiration in historical epochs like the Baroque and Renaissance periods, infusing these influences into their own artistic creations. This study embarks on an exploration of notion of appropriation in Glenn Brown's portraiture. To achieve this goal, we will commence by offering definitions of postmodernism and appropriation, followed by a thorough analysis of five portrait paintings by Brown through lens of this perspective. This research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach and leverages digital versions of internet articles, along with the original digital copies of the artworks for image compilation. From Glenn Brown's extensive body of work, we have handpicked five appropriated portrait paintings for in-depth examination. The concept of appropriation emerges as pivotal postmodernist approach in realm of art. This concept entails artists borrowing, altering, and reshaping elements from pre-existing sources. During this creative process, artists draw upon elements from historical and contemporary texts, popular culture, advertisements, mass media, and even works of fellow artists, integrating and transforming these elements within their own creations. These transformations can encompass altering original meanings or engendering striking collisions of ideas.
In addition to being evident in all forms of visual art, spirit and philosophy of postmodernity have introduced new materials and tools, alongside technology, into many works of visual art. Postmodernism in visual art not only manifests itself in artworks but also introduces new materials and tools, frequently reshaping landscape of modern painting. In postmodern painting, influence of past modernist movements is discernible, and conceptualism is acknowledged as significant characteristic. Postmodern painters reevaluate artistic values of the past and present textual content in their works to audience anew. This form of painting is a result of neo-expressionism, conceptualism, and pop art, but it offers a new artistic experience with an emphasis on viewer participation, structural disruption, and semantic complexity.
The portrait genre has manifested in various ways throughout history of visual arts, at times within realm of two-dimensional art such as drawing and painting, and at other times by delving into three-dimensional space and sculptural expression. "Portraits serve diverse functions and are presented through various media. Painting is the most prevalent medium for representation of portraits.
In the United States and Europe, the creation of portraits declined during the years between 1940 and 1950 due to greater focus on abstract and non-figurative art. However, with advent of postmodern art after the modern era, portraits lost some of their traditional functions and underwent transformations in style and media. The years between 1960 and 1970 marked a revival of portrait art, with artists like Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon creating significant paintings. Many contemporary artists, such as Andy Warhol, Alex Katz, and Chuck Close, shifted their attention to portrayal of faces. Glenn Brown is another contemporary artist who has displayed a unique perspective in the realm of painting and portraiture.
Glenn Brown, a contemporary English artist, has been actively engaged in realms of painting, design, and sculpture, and has been subject of individual exhibitions at prestigious institutions. As a multi-disciplinary artist, Glenn Brown draws inspiration from a diverse array of artistic sources, encompassing painting, film, literature, and music, which he seamlessly incorporates into his paintings. His body of work can be broadly categorized into three primary groups: paintings rooted in appropriation of famous artworks and historical painting techniques, scientific-imaginary paintings, and sculptures. In context of this article, our focus will be directed towards providing an overview of Brown's works that fall within the ambit of the first group.
In Rembrandt's portrait, which is created in the Baroque style, the color palette prominently showcases earthy tones of brown and ochre, leaning towards a sense of warmth. The subject's face is gently bathed in soft, warm light, crafting a subtle contrast. In contrast, the lower portions of the canvas, including the subject's attire and the background, are rendered in deeper shades, thereby emphasizing a sense of darkness. However, in Glenn Brown's artwork, the portrait exhibits characteristics that diverge from Rembrandt's work.
The emergence and evolution of postmodern art have been shaped by numerous factors, with its origins often traced back to the late tendencies of modern art. Among the postmodern artists who have harnessed the revolutionary and transformative aspects of new painting styles during this era, Glenn Brown stands out. Through the adept utilization of appropriation as a tool, he engages in satire and mockery of the formalism and structuralism prevalent in pre-postmodern and pre-post-postmodern art. By combining, altering, and amalgamating elements within his works, he fundamentally reconfigures the structure, which is subject to adaptation. In doing so, he highlights issue of negating artistic authenticity in a novel and thought-provoking manner.


Main Subjects


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