روش‌های بیانی و تکنیک‌های اجرایی تصویرسازی در آثار چهار تصویرگر برتر چکسلواکی (2015- 1979)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناسی ارشد هنرهای تجسمی، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد تهران مرکز، تهران، ایران، نویسنده مسئول.

2 دکتری هنرهای تجسمی، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه استراسبورگ، استراسبورگ، فرانسه.


پژوهش حاضر بررسی و مرور شیوه‌های تصویرسازی در آثار چهار تصویرگر برتر چکسلواکی است. این مقاله تأثیراتی را که این تصویرسازان بر روی جامعۀ تصویرگری هم‌عصر خود در چکسلواکی داشته‌اند، بررسی می‌کند و به‌منظور آگاهی از نحوۀ شکل‌گیری و شناخت ویژگی‌های آثار موفق این چهار تصویرگر، در به‌تصویرکشیدن ایده‌ها و اندیشه‌های شخصی و در اثرگذاری و ارتباط با مخاطب، مهم‌ترین روش‌های متنوع تصویرگری در آثار این تصویرگران را مدنظر قرار داده است. هدف از بررسی نمونه آثار این تصویرسازان پاسخ‌گویی به این پرسش پژوهشی است: چهار تصویرساز برتر این کشور از چه روش‌های بیانی و تکنیک‌های اجرایی در به نمایش گذاشتن ایده‌ها و احساسات شخصی خود بهره برده‌اند؟ این پژوهش از نوع بنیادی و توصیفی‌تحلیلی بوده و روش گردآوری اطلاعات از نوع کتابخانه‌ای است و در فرایند این پژوهش درمی‌یابیم که بررسی ویژگی‌های کاریِ هرکدام از این هنرمندان بستگی به گذشتۀ جمعی مردم سرزمینش و ذهنیات او از زادگاهش دارد که تبدیل به محرک‌های درونی و بیرونی شخصی و اجتماعی شده است؛ در حقیقت، هیچ تصویرگری نمی‌تواند جدا از فرهنگ و رسوم زادگاهش کارهای با اصالت ارائه دهد و او در واقع فرهنگ خویش را با زبان تصویری بیان می‌کند‌. هر تصویرگر با وجود داشتن مهارت در کار‌، دارای سبک و تکنیکی ویژۀ خود است که وی را از دیگران متمایز و به او اصالت فردی می‌بخشد. تصویرگر برای ‌برخورداری از قدرت طراحی قوی، ابتدا با طراحی و نقاشی آغاز کرده است و برای رسیدن به کارهای پخته‌تر و دستی قوی در طراحی، حتی آن‌هایی که بسیار آزاد و پررمزوراز و سمبلیک کار می‌کنند، تمرین و ممارست بسیار داشته‌اند. این هنرمندان اگر نسبت به کودکان و تلقی آنان از زندگی‌، هنر‌، فرهنگ و آینده حساس نباشند‌، نمی‌توانند عمیق و دلسوزانه کار کنند و اغلب آن‌ها نویسندۀ کتاب‌های کودک یا به نحوی دارای تخصص‌های خاص مرتبط با کودکان در بعضی زمینه‌های دیگر غیر از تصویرگری هستند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Expressive Methods and Execution Techniques of Illustration in the Four Artworks of Top Czech Illustrators (1979-2015)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mitra Mokhtarpour Saravi 1
  • Hoda Zaboli nezhad 2
1 Master of Illustration, Tehran Markaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).
2 PhD in Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
چکیده [English]

The present study is an investigation of the methods of illustration in the works of four top Czechoslovak illustrators. This paper examines the effects that these illustrators had on their contemporary illustration society in Czechoslovakia and in order to know the ways of formation, and the characteristics of the successful works of these four illustrators, in depicting personal ideas and thoughts and in the impact and communication with the audience too, it has compared the most important and diverse methods of illustration in the works of these illustrators.
 Czech and Slovak artists are skilled and creative designers and painters who have a personal approach and attitude, which distinguishes each of their work from others. Definitely, seeing these works, analyzing and investigating the reasons for this superiority and distinctiveness is useful and effective for every illustrator. Knowing and using each of these features can be a factor in creating a successful work of illustration.
The purpose of examining the works of these illustrators is to answer the following research questions: What are the expression methods and performance techniques in displaying personal ideas and feelings that the four best illustrators of this country, which is currently divided into two parts, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, benefited?  What are the difference and similar characteristics between the choice of technique and story concepts in their works? What features have made the works of Czechoslovak artists successful and prominent? How have they used various technical methods to portray their personal thoughts?
This fundamental type of research, is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library type. It is worth mentioning that the examination and analysis of visual works is important in order to perpetuate the image in the mind. According to the subject of the research; looking at the illustration techniques of Czechoslovak illustrators, we find out that the secret of each work's permanence is within itself. In this way, copying and imitating the works of other artists will not achieve their goal of publishing a pure work. Of course, by observing all the principles that must be observed in an illustration work, which includes: correct composition, design from the good point of view, choosing the right colors and the most important point is their creativity.
In this research, all the reviewed works have been composed of all these factors and by keeping all these principles, they have tried to communicate with the audience by expressing their feelings, and most of the works have come to a conclusion after several years of working on it. After the studies and investigations ; based on the visual elements and the type of technique and the physical structure of each work has been accepted, regarding the illustrating techniques and according to his frameworks of attracting the audience, and following their special visual elements and characteristics.
In the process of this research, we find out that the examination of the work characteristics of each of these artists depends on the collective past of the people of his land, and his mentality of his hometown, which have become internal and external personal and social stimuli, no illustrator can be separated from his culture and customs. The artist's hometown offers original works and, they actually expresses their culture with visual language. Each illustrator has their own special style and technique, despite being skilled in their work, which distinguishes them from others and gives them individual originality in illustration. Gaining a strong hand in design through practice, even the illustrators who work very freely and full of mysteries and symbolist forms. If these artists were not sensitive to children world and their perception of life, art, culture and future, they could not  depict the childish and pure world as eloquently as possible. Most of them are the authors of books for children and teenagers, or they have special expertise for children in some fields other than illustrating childrens' books.
By examining the biography, collection of works and characteristics of each artist's work and sometimes speeches or articles by them and other experts, we found a set of specific aspects in the work of each artist and by summarizing all these contents, we realize some basic points which are:
 Having their own visual language that is different from the visual language of other contemporary artists ; having a unique style and method that is not imitation and it comes from the mind and feelings of the illustrator. Every illustrator has their own technical style, which distinguishes them from others and gives them individual originality.
The step-by-step cooperation of the illustrator with the author of the story ; sometimes, some illustrators work with the author in a step-by-step way, illustrating and writing, during the period when the book is being written and illustrated, the author and the illustrator are constantly working with each other. Each of them, if not to say that they interfere in the others' work, have a significant impact on each other's work.
Having a strong design power; all these illustrators have started with drawing and painting and having a lot of training and practice, in order to reach more mature works and a strong hand in drawing. Even those who work very freely and full of mystery and symbolism, also show a strong design in their works.
Most of these illustrators have a poetic sense in their works, and this is that distinguishes their works from others and makes them worthy of contemplation, full of creativity and pleasant for children.
Most of these artists are very committed to children and their issues from the artistic and psychological aspects. If these artists were not so sensitive about the children and their perception of life, art, culture and the future, they could not work deeply and sympathetically. It must be told that most of them, are authors of children's books, or have special expertise of children in some fields other than Illustration is also for them.
In summary, drawing for children is a very sensitive, responsible and difficult task. Those who work for children, in addition to having strong technical expertise and a lot of creativity in their work, must always consider the conditions of their audience, including their age; how do they deal with issues; in what way do they think and to what extent is their freedom in this direction; how do they harmonize their language with the children's' language and understanding; how to give wings to the kids' understanding and imagination center to attract them to think and create more. Because, the future belongs to the children.
Keywords: Illustration, Czechoslovakia,  Decoding, Method of Expression and Performance Techniques in Illustration, Children's Book Illustration.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Keywords: Illustration
  • Czechoslovakia
  •   Decoding
  • Method of Expression and Performance Techniques in Illustration
  • Children's Book Illustration
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