Keyword Index


  • Adolescent Book The Effect of Globalization Era on the Representation of National Identity in the Illustrations of Teenagers’ Fiction Books in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13-27]
  • Arabesque Design.  Rereading Jameh Mosque of Isfahan’s Patterns in the Safavid Era from the Fundamentals of Visual Arts Point of View [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 68-81]
  • Art fields Analysis ofAacademic Studies in the Field of Varni (Sumak) over the Last Four Decades [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 55-68]
  • Arthur Danto Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 145-154]
  • Asrar Al-Shohada The Narration of Images of Husayn Ibn Ali's Martyrdom in Lithographic Versions(Asrar al-Shahadat, Tufan al-Boka, Vasilat al-Nejat) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 69-87]


  • Baysonghori Shahnameh The Connection between Text and Image from Roland Barthes’s Point of View in Illustrated Pages of the Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan, Baysonghori Shahnameh and Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 35-42]


  • Calligram Writing in Graffiti Art (Tehran City) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 93-105]
  • Calligraphy Writing in Graffiti Art (Tehran City) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 93-105]
  • Carpet weaving Narration of the Image in the Hunting Ground Carpet of Poldi Pezzoli Museum [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 4-12]
  • Children's Book Illustration Expressive Methods and Execution Techniques of Illustration in the Four Artworks of Top Czech Illustrators (1979-2015) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 120-133]
  • Contemporary Art Rereading Identity in Contemporary Miniatures Focusing on the Works of Shahzia Sikander [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 134-144]
  • Czechoslovakia Expressive Methods and Execution Techniques of Illustration in the Four Artworks of Top Czech Illustrators (1979-2015) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 120-133]


  • Death of Art Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 145-154]
  • Decks of Bridges A Survey of Color’s Effectiveness Quality Components on Urban Billboards and Bridge Decks of Tehran (2015-2017) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 43-55]
  • Decorations A Comparative Study of the Decorations of  Prayer House and the Mirror House in Khajeh Abdullah Ansari's Tomb in Herat [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 4-15]
  • Demot Shahnameh Comparative Study of the Visual Characteristics of the Wak Wak Tree in Demot's Shahnameh with the Story of Mashi and Mashianeh [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 28-40]


  • Function and Application The Study of the Urban Elements of the 80s and 90s of Tehran from the Visual Reading (Morphology) Point of View, Function and Application and its Relationship with the Components of Islamic Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 16-34]


  • Geometric Design Rereading Jameh Mosque of Isfahan’s Patterns in the Safavid Era from the Fundamentals of Visual Arts Point of View [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 68-81]


  • Herat An Investigation into Metaphorical Function in Human Forms of Persian Painting of Iran(Herat and Second Tabriz School) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 41-54]
  • Herat School Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]
  • Holy Place Defining the Manifestation of the Holy Place Myth in the Museum Institution Based on the Views of Mircea Eliade [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 106-119]
  • Human form An Investigation into Metaphorical Function in Human Forms of Persian Painting of Iran(Herat and Second Tabriz School) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 41-54]
  • Hunting rugs Narration of the Image in the Hunting Ground Carpet of Poldi Pezzoli Museum [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 4-12]


  • Interactive Art Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 145-154]
  • Iranian Painting Finding The Root Causes of the Effects of Japanese Manga Visual Elements on the Pictures of Iranian Comic Entitled Marz [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 82-92]
  • Islamic art The Study of the Urban Elements of the 80s and 90s of Tehran from the Visual Reading (Morphology) Point of View, Function and Application and its Relationship with the Components of Islamic Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 16-34]


  • Keywords: Academic studies Analysis ofAacademic Studies in the Field of Varni (Sumak) over the Last Four Decades [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 55-68]
  • Keywords: "Contemporary Iranian Painting" Continuation of the Use of the Cloud-Making Tradition in Bita Vakili's Paintings [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 56-67]
  • Key Words:Francisco Goya A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • Keywords: Graffiti Art Writing in Graffiti Art (Tehran City) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 93-105]
  • Keywords: history Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 145-154]
  • Keywords: Illustration Expressive Methods and Execution Techniques of Illustration in the Four Artworks of Top Czech Illustrators (1979-2015) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 120-133]
  • Keywords: Illustration The Effect of Globalization Era on the Representation of National Identity in the Illustrations of Teenagers’ Fiction Books in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13-27]
  • Keywords: Illustrative lithographs The Narration of Images of Husayn Ibn Ali's Martyrdom in Lithographic Versions(Asrar al-Shahadat, Tufan al-Boka, Vasilat al-Nejat) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 69-87]
  • Keywords: Image narration Narration of the Image in the Hunting Ground Carpet of Poldi Pezzoli Museum [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 4-12]
  • Keywords: Jameh Mosque of Isfahan Rereading Jameh Mosque of Isfahan’s Patterns in the Safavid Era from the Fundamentals of Visual Arts Point of View [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 68-81]
  • Keywords: Japan's Manga Finding The Root Causes of the Effects of Japanese Manga Visual Elements on the Pictures of Iranian Comic Entitled Marz [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 82-92]
  • Keywords: Mashi and Mashianeh Comparative Study of the Visual Characteristics of the Wak Wak Tree in Demot's Shahnameh with the Story of Mashi and Mashianeh [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 28-40]
  • Keywords: Mircea Eliade Defining the Manifestation of the Holy Place Myth in the Museum Institution Based on the Views of Mircea Eliade [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 106-119]
  • Keywords: Sacred Plants Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]
  • Keywords: Shahzia Sikander Rereading Identity in Contemporary Miniatures Focusing on the Works of Shahzia Sikander [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 134-144]
  • Keywords: Tehran Urban Advertising A Survey of Color’s Effectiveness Quality Components on Urban Billboards and Bridge Decks of Tehran (2015-2017) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 43-55]
  • Keywords: Text and Image The Connection between Text and Image from Roland Barthes’s Point of View in Illustrated Pages of the Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan, Baysonghori Shahnameh and Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 35-42]
  • Keywords: Timurid A Comparative Study of the Decorations of  Prayer House and the Mirror House in Khajeh Abdullah Ansari's Tomb in Herat [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 4-15]
  • Keywords: Urban Element The Study of the Urban Elements of the 80s and 90s of Tehran from the Visual Reading (Morphology) Point of View, Function and Application and its Relationship with the Components of Islamic Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 16-34]
  • Keywords: Visual Metaphor An Investigation into Metaphorical Function in Human Forms of Persian Painting of Iran(Herat and Second Tabriz School) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 41-54]
  • Khajeh Abdullah Ansarim A Comparative Study of the Decorations of  Prayer House and the Mirror House in Khajeh Abdullah Ansari's Tomb in Herat [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 4-15]


  • Martyrdom of Imam Hussein The Narration of Images of Husayn Ibn Ali's Martyrdom in Lithographic Versions(Asrar al-Shahadat, Tufan al-Boka, Vasilat al-Nejat) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 69-87]
  • Marz the Iranian Illustrated Story Finding The Root Causes of the Effects of Japanese Manga Visual Elements on the Pictures of Iranian Comic Entitled Marz [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 82-92]
  • Method of Expression and Performance Techniques in Illustration Expressive Methods and Execution Techniques of Illustration in the Four Artworks of Top Czech Illustrators (1979-2015) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 120-133]
  • Miniature Rereading Identity in Contemporary Miniatures Focusing on the Works of Shahzia Sikander [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 134-144]
  • Miniature Painting Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]
  • Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan The Connection between Text and Image from Roland Barthes’s Point of View in Illustrated Pages of the Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan, Baysonghori Shahnameh and Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 35-42]
  • Morphology The Study of the Urban Elements of the 80s and 90s of Tehran from the Visual Reading (Morphology) Point of View, Function and Application and its Relationship with the Components of Islamic Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 16-34]
  • Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh The Connection between Text and Image from Roland Barthes’s Point of View in Illustrated Pages of the Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan, Baysonghori Shahnameh and Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 35-42]
  • Museum Defining the Manifestation of the Holy Place Myth in the Museum Institution Based on the Views of Mircea Eliade [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 106-119]
  • Myth Defining the Manifestation of the Holy Place Myth in the Museum Institution Based on the Views of Mircea Eliade [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 106-119]


  • National identity The Effect of Globalization Era on the Representation of National Identity in the Illustrations of Teenagers’ Fiction Books in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13-27]


  • Persian Painting An Investigation into Metaphorical Function in Human Forms of Persian Painting of Iran(Herat and Second Tabriz School) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 41-54]
  • Persian Painting Narration of the Image in the Hunting Ground Carpet of Poldi Pezzoli Museum [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 4-12]
  • Postmodern Art Historical Reading of Interactive Art From the Perspective of Arthur Coleman Danto by Examining Two Interactive Pieces of Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 145-154]


  • Qazvin School Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]


  • Roland Barthes The Connection between Text and Image from Roland Barthes’s Point of View in Illustrated Pages of the Miscellany of Iskandar Sultan, Baysonghori Shahnameh and Muhammad Jouki’s Shahnameh [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 35-42]


  • Safavid era Narration of the Image in the Hunting Ground Carpet of Poldi Pezzoli Museum [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 4-12]
  • Safavids Rereading Jameh Mosque of Isfahan’s Patterns in the Safavid Era from the Fundamentals of Visual Arts Point of View [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 68-81]
  • Sculpture The Study of the Urban Elements of the 80s and 90s of Tehran from the Visual Reading (Morphology) Point of View, Function and Application and its Relationship with the Components of Islamic Art [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 16-34]
  • Second Tabriz An Investigation into Metaphorical Function in Human Forms of Persian Painting of Iran(Herat and Second Tabriz School) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 41-54]
  • Shahnameh Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]
  • Sumak Analysis ofAacademic Studies in the Field of Varni (Sumak) over the Last Four Decades [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 55-68]


  • Tabriz School II Readout of the Linguistic Function of Sacred Plants in the Painting of Shahnamehs from the 9th to 11th Century A.H [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 106-116]
  • The Bullfights A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • The Caprices A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • The Disaster of War A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • The myth of creation Comparative Study of the Visual Characteristics of the Wak Wak Tree in Demot's Shahnameh with the Story of Mashi and Mashianeh [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 28-40]
  • The Proverbs A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • The World Art Collection in Bonyad Museum   A Print Work of Francisco Goya in Iran: Features, Similarities and Differences with Other Works [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 88-105]
  • Toufan Al-Beka’ The Narration of Images of Husayn Ibn Ali's Martyrdom in Lithographic Versions(Asrar al-Shahadat, Tufan al-Boka, Vasilat al-Nejat) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 69-87]


  • Varni Analysis ofAacademic Studies in the Field of Varni (Sumak) over the Last Four Decades [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 55-68]


  • Wak Wak tree Comparative Study of the Visual Characteristics of the Wak Wak Tree in Demot's Shahnameh with the Story of Mashi and Mashianeh [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 28-40]
  • Wasila Al-Nejat The Narration of Images of Husayn Ibn Ali's Martyrdom in Lithographic Versions(Asrar al-Shahadat, Tufan al-Boka, Vasilat al-Nejat) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 69-87]